Paris Hilton “Origin that’s Hot”

KB crypto
2 min readJun 8, 2021


Some interesting news recently happened for one of the projects I’m following. Paris Hilton has joined Origin as an investor and advisor This is great news and I will go into why.

When people think of Paris Hilton they may not think of a savvy businesswoman but that is exactly what they should think as she has taken what life gave her and made great success with it. Sure you could try to say she’s a ditzy blonde who got there because of a name and sure the Hilton name doesn’t hurt but there are plenty of failed rich aires as well so the fact that she has created her own success on top of her name deserves respect and kudos.

So what will Paris bring to Origin? She hasn't publically said yet but there is a lot she can bring to the table so hopefully, she does. Some great possibilities include:

  1. NFT expertise and influencer skills. Paris Hilton is one of the bigger influencers amongst many social groups and it would not surprise me if some of her famous memes and tweets get turned into NFTs shortly if that hasn’t happened already.
  2. Crypto experience and awareness. Paris got into crypto in 2016 before the last bull run showing she was paying attention early vs just recently jumping on the train. If you talk to those who have held crypto for a longer period, you can learn about how to get staying power as there were many washouts from the last bull run and there will be many from this one so staying power is important in the crypto game.
  3. Marketing experience. Say what you well buy Paris is pretty much her own brand at this point. She can provide influence on a product by simply being associated and stating opinions. This can cut both ways for companies vying for attention but if they get it as in the case of origin it can be good.

These are just some of the things I believe Paris will bring to the table for origin protocol. Great Job to both Paris and Origin Protocol.

If you would like to know more about my thoughts on origin #OGN from a fundamental standpoint check out my earlier article.

As always remember this is not financial advice and should not be taken as such. For more articles or thoughts follow me @KBCryptoStocks



KB crypto

Crypto investor, stock investor, business advisor. ; @KBCryptoStocks